Alam ko na totoo ang simbahan ni ito
I know the church is true
Nagpapaslamat para sa ang akalat ni mormon
I'm thankful for the Book of Mormon
Alam ko na totoong propheta si joseph smith
I know Joseph Smith is a true prophet
Nagpapaslamat parasa ebanghelyo sa buhay
I'm thankful for the gospel in my life
Mahal Ang Pamiliya ko
I love my family
Alam ko na buhay Si JesuCristo
I know Jesus Christ lives
Alam ko na mahlaga ang panalangin
I know prayer is important
Sa pangalin ni jesuCristo Amen
In the name of Jesus Christ amen
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sis Quinn's testimony in Tagalog
Posted by Ashton at 9:37 AM 0 comments
Week 2 and I'm still here
Maganda Araw ( good day to you)
And Pamiliay Ko at Kibigan
( my family and Friends)
week 2 and Im still here! LOL just kidding
its getting better all the time! We got to
finally teach someone on Thurs 1st discussion in
English . My companion and I are awesome at our
transitions I love it! its like we are on the
same brain wave length. we had to do all the
introductions in tagalog which was a challenge
but I think we did really well at it. So the
language is going really good other than when
I get tired and confuse words like yesterday
when the door was opened for me instead of
saying Salamat( Thank you) I said
posensha ( sorry!) lOL! The general
RS presient spoke to us on Sunday in RS
she was amazing!. I will try and get pictures
up here or to my mom at some point I'd love
for you to see my casama ( companion)
sister mains, she's maganda ( beautiful).
OH and we all still LOVE our
Tongan sister ( Tuifua) this week we taught
her the work dork ( she thought it meant you
were a genius!) Oh and our teacher brother Hyde
does the craziest thing that apparently is a
filippino thing so watch out for it when i get
home! When he wants you to repeat yourself he
just hold is mouth open super wide and stares
at you it is hilarious I'll have to get a
picture of it to send along!
Until next week,
Sister Quinn
Posted by Ashton at 9:31 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
one more try
Komusta po Kayo and Pamiliya and friends!
The MTC is lovely ,but I'm super busy.
I can't believe how much I've learned
in this first week. I already know how
to Patotoo( testimony) and Panalangin
( pray) sa ( in) Tagalog. I'm kind of
amazed by just how many missionaries are
here and how many languages are spoken its
mental! My MTC Casma ( Companion) is
Sister Mains ( from Pennsylvania) she is
lovely , hard working, and amazingly well
versed in the gospel. Our district has
4 girls and one is from Tonga . Sister Tuifua
is so fun! She is trying to diet and asked us
last night if a cinnamon roll was good for you,
we told her NO WAY.she said I want to diet but,
Tongan's DO NOT throw away food but she did it
anyways. I've gotta run now though My Casam say's
our laundry is done and my time is almost up
anyways! SO Mahalkit to all ( I love you)
Sister Quinn
This is my last try!!!!
Posted by Ashton at 9:43 AM 0 comments
Oops! I'll try again At the MTC
Komusta po Kayo and Pamiliya and friends!
The MTC is lovely ,but I'm super busy. I can't believe how much I've learned in this
first week. I already know how to Patotoo( testimony) and Panalangin ( pray) sa ( in)
Tagalog. I'm kind of amazed by just how many missionaries are here and how many
languages are spoken its mental! My MTC Casma ( Companion) is Sister Mains
( from Pennsylvania) she is lovely , hard working, and amazingly well versed in the
gospel. Our district has 4 girls and one is from Tonga . Sister Tuifua is so fun!
She is trying to diet and asked us last night if a cinnamon roll was good for you,
we told her NO WAY.she said I want to diet but, Tongan's DO NOT throw away food but
she did it anyways. I've gotta run now though My Casam say's our laundry is done and
my time is almost up anyways! SO Mahalkit to all ( I love you)
Sister Quinn
remember this is being posted by Ashton's Mom so remember I'm just learning how to do this
I hope you can read this one better than my first try.
Posted by Ashton at 9:35 AM 0 comments
At the MTC
Komusta po Kayo and Pamiliya and friends!
The MTC is lovely ,but I'm super busy. I can't believe how much I've learned in this first week. I already know how to Patotoo( testimony) and Panalangin ( pray) sa ( in) Tagalog. I'm kind of amazed by just how many missionaries are here and how many languages are spoken its mental! My MTC Casma ( Companion) is Sister Mains ( from Pennsylvania) she is lovely , hard working, and amazingly well versed in the gospel. Our district has 4 girls and one is from Tonga . Sister Tuifua is so fun! She is trying to diet and asked us last night if a cinnamon roll was good for you, we told her NO WAY.she said I want to diet but, Tongan's DO NOT throw away food but she did it anyways. I've gotta run now though My Casam say's our laundry is done and my time is almost up anyways! SO Mahalkit to all ( I love you)
Sister Quinn
Posted by Ashton at 9:29 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Farewell Sister Quinn
We said our final goodbyes on Sunday and the Open house was lovely. Sister Quinn would like to thank all of you who came out to support her!As you can see some of us were a bit more reluctant to say goodbye than others!
Posted by Ashton at 12:13 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
My little Brother's Call!
Exciting News on Friday my little Brother Sean received his long awaited mission call!
He will be serving the people of Ghana, Accra, Africa for the next 2 years!
Posted by Ashton at 10:42 AM 0 comments