Monday, June 7, 2010

Kumusta Po Kayo,
Mabilis Ang Panahon! I can hardly believe it is JUNE tomorrow
the time on a mission really does fly and I'd heard that before
but really I'm feeling it this week at the end of yet another transfer!
Crazy news from transfer announcements wish granted that no one
is leaving but turns out someone is coming! I am now going to be
part of a threesome! EEKK. Little scared and nervous trying to be
excited and wondering how it will work with teaching, and with
space in the house, with Companionship study. Pleased though to
have another one of these amazing sweet Filipino sisters that I
get to know as a companion and who I will LOVE of course. I learnt
so much from each and every one of my companions thus far so
a new one just means more that I get to learn! Yesterday we had
the BEST day of church. Six investigators in attendance and for
the first time for me a WHOLE FAMILY! The Casino family.
Sister Soriano and I were SOOO happy shrieking with joy as we
greeted them at the door. The Father of the family Brother Vale
had just the previous day had shoulder length hair which he cut
short just for church and had bought brand new shoes to be clean
cut and appropriate for church. We could really tell
they enjoyed the service and had a great time in
Gospel principles class as well. We couldn't have
asked for a better experience with their first time
at church and are hopeful that they will continue
to attend. Earlier on in the week we had worked
with a few of the members of the youth who are
in close age to their teenagers and so when they
arrived we had instant fellowshippers for them and
we're able to return and teach with new member
fellowshippers after church. One of our
fellowshippers Sister Rachel (age18) is so keen
on teaching with us and she reminds me of myself
not too long ago when I was so excited every week
to work and teach with the Sister missionaries in
London. Sometimes its crazy to think here I am
now a real missionary almost 6 months in the field !
To end here I'd like to share a scripture which Sister
Rachel shared in one of our teaching appointments.
In Alma 42:31 it says "

And now, O my son, ye are called of God to preach the word unto this people.

And now, my son, go thy way, declare the word with truth and soberness, that

thou mayest bring souls unto repentance, that the great plan of mercy may have

claim upon them. And may God grant unto you even according to my words.

Amen." That is my prayer also each and every day that I man go forth to preach

this Gospel being worthy to declare the lords words with truth and soberness.

Miss you all!


Sister Quinn

Sorry I don't know what is going on with the different font sizes I tried to fix it but no luck VQ